Viewing: April, 2016

Apr 21

April 21, 2016

Mindfulness Programs

Several weeks ago, our class welcomed Mrs. Joanna Curry-Sartori to our school.  Mrs. Sartori is a family counselor at The Bridge Family Center in Avon.  The Bridge is working with Avon Public Schools, and Mrs. Sartori visits all the fourth grade classes at PGS (and several others) twice each week to teach the children about mindfulness.  Mindfulness is the idea of being aware of what’s happening within you and around you at a given moment.  She comes to our class to teach the kids different exercises that they can use to regain their calmness when stressed, maintain their focus when at ease, and sense how they’re actually feeling at a given moment.  Her work fits in so well with our character education goals.  This week, to help the kids prepare before SBAC testing, Mrs. Sartori kindly recorded a few short mindfulness videos to help the kids “get ready” and remain at ease for the often stressful testing experience.  I know this may sound a little hokey, but you’ll have to trust me on this: I see the IMMEDIATE and LASTING impact that the exercises have on the class.  When our room gets loud or stressful, a short break to regain our footing can change the course of the day.

Mrs. Sartori is offering two free programs at Avon Free Public Library over the next few weeks.  One is TONIGHT at 6:30pm.  (I’m so sorry for the late notice on this.  That’s entirely my fault!)  The other is on May 5.  See the information below:BFC Spring Presentations Flyer AVON

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Apr 18

April 18, 2016

My SBAC Talking Points

SBAC LogoTomorrow is our first day of SBAC testing!  Tomorrow morning, after specials, we will have our first ELA (English/Language Arts) test.  After the practice we’ve done, I’m confident that the kids are ready for their second year of computer-based testing.  Here are a few things that I’ve highlighted for kids (whether in whole-class discussions or private conversations), which you might also want to remind them:

  • “The SBACs will ___ and will not ____.”  You might be surprised what misconceptions kids have about the SBACs.  Recently, I was asked if poor performance on these tests will prevent kids from going to fifth grade (no) or if it will keep kids from getting into college (double no).  I try to be absolutely direct when telling what effect the SBACs will and will not have.  (If you have a question about this, please ask me.)
  • “It’s ok to be worried!”  I think we have a tendency to try to remove kids fears by saying “Oh, don’t worry!” or “There’s no reason to be nervous!”  The truth is, if a child is worried about the test, then clearly they feel that they have a reason to worry.  I try to validate their feelings, and I instead focus on helping them to stop feeling worried, not on telling them to stop worrying.  It’s absolutely normal for students to feel some anxiety about testing.  As much as we try to reassure the kids, they understandably pick up on the importance of the tests, and they sometimes feel pressure, despite our best efforts to the contrary.  I encourage you to remind your fourth grader that we ask only that they try their very best as they take the tests and that they think about and use all the strategies they’ve learned in school.
  • “Just try your best.”  I have been very direct with kids – I ask them just to try their very hardest.  If they can honestly tell me that they did, then I’m proud of them.  But part of trying your best means taking time to remember the things you have been taught and making yourself think carefully about your choices during an assessment, not just picking the first answer that looks decent so that you can move on to the next item.  It also means CHECKING OVER your work.    When you give encouragement for your kids, focus on effort (“Try your hardest!”) rather than on outcome (“Get a great score!”) in order to minimize pressure.
  • “Sleep.” A sleepy student is predisposed to performing poorly on the SBACs.  Please make sure that your child gets PLENTY of sleep the night before a test.  (Consider enforcing earlier bedtimes, if you deem it appropriate.)
  • “Have a calm morning.”  By the same token, please try to minimize morning stress. Coming to school late and/or coming after a chaotic morning will put your child in a bad mind-set for testing. 
  • “Dress comfortably.”  Nobody is worried about fashion during this week of testing.  Kids should dress in a comfortable outfit that doesn’t distract them as they work.  (Haven’t we all been bothered by an itchy label or a pair of shoes that doesn’t fit quite right?)
  • “Eat breakfast.”  A filling, nutritious breakfast is also essential to good test performance. (Growling stomachs will distract your child, and, frankly, other students too.) Please try to make sure your child has breakfast at home. Healthy snacks will be provided for students before testing, but there is no substitute for a good breakfast.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

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Apr 15

April 15, 2016

Cub Reporter: Week at a Glance

By Student #6

On Monday we got a new student.We also started a new math unit on geometry.  On Tuesday in Spanish we got got down to only 1 letter left! (Moss’s Note: In Spanish class, good class cooperation earns letter, and disappointing choices results in the loss of letters.  It’s been a tough few Spanish classes, I hear.  Lots of side conversations.)  We also got new math rotation groups.  On Wednesday we got a little better on are hardest song in music: Dry your tears afrika.  Also we did a lot of midwest group work and a classmate sang his favorite song A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down my pants!  (Moss’s Note: Ok, this was FUNNY!  I can’t do it justice here, so if you’re curious, ask your fourth grade how the game Alibi works and what was funny about the song!)  On Thursday we had checkout day in library and we got through our last math rotation.

Final note from Mr. Moss:  I apologize for the lack of updates in recent weeks!  More information is coming soon!

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