Viewing: April, 2014

Apr 29

April 29, 2014

Tonight’s Homework

Here are the links and materials that you need for tonight’s homework.

  1. Click here to download the answer key for tonight’s math review.  You don’t need to PRINT it unless you want to.  Use it to check your work.
  2. Do you still have questions about some of the problems?  If so, check the Padlet I made for this assignment.  Post your questions.  Even if you don’t have any questions, hop over to the Padlet to see if you can answer a friend’s question.
  3. Today, we finished reading Number the Stars in class.  What a powerful end, huh?!  We discussed a quote from Mr. Abrams at AHS:  “Failure to act out or speak out against evil is, itself, evil.”  We talked about how important it is to do something, even something small, to help people who are being treated unfairly.  In this Padlet, share an idea about a situation in which someone your age might be able to do something to act out or speak out against an injustice (an unfair act).  Here’s the Padlet:

Posted in Homework Assignments, Learning Resources, Math, Unit 5|By

Apr 28

April 28, 2014

My SBAC Talking Points

Tomorrow is our first day of SBAC testing!  Several third and fourth grade classes started testing today, and I’m told that there were very few glitches or problems, which is impressive (and, frankly, a bit amazing given all the technology in play!)  Tomorrow morning, we have our first ELA (English/Language Arts) test.  After all the practice we’ve done, I’m confident that the kids are ready for their first experience with computer-based testing.  Here are a few things that I’ve highlighted for kids over the past few weeks:

  • “The SBACs will ___ and will not ____.”  You might be surprised what misconceptions kids have about the SBACs.  Recently, I was asked if poor performance on these tests will prevent kids from going to fifth grade (no) or if it will keep kids from getting into college (double no).  I try to be absolutely direct when telling what effect the SBACs will and will not have.  (If you have a question about this, please ask me.)
  • “It’s ok to be worried!”  I think we have a tendency to try to remove kids fears by saying “Oh, don’t worry!” or “There’s no reason to be nervous!”  The truth is, if a child is worried about the test, then clearly they feel that they have a reason to worry.  I try to validate their feelings, and I instead focus on helping them to stop feeling worried, not on telling them to stop worrying.  It’s absolutely normal for students to feel some anxiety about testing.  As much as we try to reassure the kids, they understandably pick up on the importance of the tests, and they sometimes feel pressure, despite our best efforts to the contrary.  I encourage you to remind your fourth grader that we ask only that they try their very best as they take the tests and that they think about and use all the strategies they’ve learned in school.
  • “Just try your best.”  I have been very direct with kids – I ask them just to try their very hardest.  If they can honestly tell me that they did, then I’m proud of them.  But part of trying your best means taking time to remember the things you have been taught and making yourself think carefully about your choices during an assessment, not just picking the first answer that looks decent so that you can move on to the next item.  It also means CHECKING OVER your work.    When you give encouragement for your kids, focus on effort (“Try your hardest!”) rather than on outcome (“Get a great score!”) in order to minimize pressure.
  • “Sleep.” A sleepy student is predisposed to performing poorly on the SBACs.  Please make sure that your child gets PLENTY of sleep the night before a test.  (Consider enforcing earlier bedtimes, if you deem it appropriate.)
  • “Have a calm morning.”  By the same token, please try to minimize morning stress. Coming to school late and/or coming after a chaotic morning will put your child in a bad mind-set for testing. 
  • “Dress comfortably.”  Nobody is worried about fashion during this week of testing.  Kids should dress in a comfortable outfit that doesn’t distract them as they work.  (Haven’t we all been bothered by an itchy label or a pair of shoes that doesn’t fit quite right?)
  • “Eat breakfast.”  A filling, nutritious breakfast is also essential to good test performance. (Growling stomachs will distract your child, and, frankly, other students too.) Please try to make sure your child has breakfast at home. Healthy snacks will be provided for students before testing, but there is no substitute for a good breakfast.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

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Apr 24

April 24, 2014

Register for Screen Free Week

Remember that registration for Screen Free Week activities open up tonight at 8:00pm!  There are plenty of AWESOME activities, including a teacher bike ride (led by the Room 209 team of Moss, Dolce, and Trick – and Mr. R-W too – on Friday 5/2 and a dodgeball game organized by Mr. Feshler and me on Tuesday, 5/6.  Spaces are limited, so register early!
Screen-Free Week is a WONDERFUL way to commit to “unplugging” for a week, and I encourage students and families to consider participating!  Remember that the activities that the PTO is offering are open only to those who pledge to go screen-free for seven days.  I challenge you to make the pledge! 🙂
Families can register or get information at the PTO website:

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Apr 24

April 24, 2014

TUSS Day 1

Post your TUSS Day 1 ideas here!  It’s the usual password.

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Apr 23

April 23, 2014

Fractions and Humphrey

In room 209, we are working on a lot of fractions. We are learning about how to add and subtract fractions. Also we are learning how to regroup fractions. We are taking turns taking home Humphrey the hamster (it is a plush hamster so no need for hamster food! ) We are also bringing home a Humphrey journal with him so you can write about your fun adventures with Humphrey! You can share your adventures with Humphrey in class during Morning Meeting. There is a three day schedule (for Humphrey).  The three day schedule is: you have it through Wednesday – Friday, Monday – Wednesday, or Friday- Monday.  Take a look at the class calendar and you can see what days you or your kids have Humphrey Visiting!

Written by this week’s reporter: 18 of Room 209

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Apr 22

April 22, 2014

Learning About Timelines through Team Hoyt

Our class has been working to learn about timelines lately as part of a social studies and ELA (English/Language Arts) integrated unit.  The Boston Marathon was perfectly timed to be a valuable teaching tool for this study.  Each year, I talk to the kids about two remarkable athletes: Dick and Rick Hoyt.  Dick Hoyt is a father who, each year, runs in the Boston Marathon and pushes his son, Rick, who has cerebral palsy.  They are true inspirations, just like the athletes yesterday who found a fellow marathon runner who had collapsed just shy of of the marathon’s end and carried him across the finish line.   The Boston Marathon is full of remarkable athletes who model outstanding character, sportsmanship, and integrity!

I came across an article that taught a bit about Dick and Rick Hoyt’s amazing history, and I immediately saw the potential for it to be used as a learning tool for our study of timelines.  We read the article in class today, and for homework, kids are identifying and writing short blurbs about the different events listed in the article.  (Just a couple of words per event is fine.)  We’ll use the kids’ ideas as a jumping off point for making a timeline tomorrow.

The article does mention (in general terms) the attacks that happened at last year’s Boston Marathon.  We discussed in class only that something sad happened and that some people were injured or lost their lives, although some students (on their own) brought up more detail about what had happened when we discussed the marathon yesterday.  I didn’t want to go into any significant detail about what had happened, and I refocused the discussion to the message of perseverance and honoring others (since Dick and Rick ran the marathon yesterday as a tribute to those who were affected by the attacks last year.

You can except, over the next few years, to see an ongoing integration of ELA and social studies.  The two fit together very well since the Common Core places an increased emphasis on non-fiction reading and writing, and articles such as this give teachers a wonderful opportunity to bridge social studies work with literacy work.  Our next step in our timelines study will have the kids partner up to read articles about a famous figure from history and to develop a timeline based upon the information they pull from the article.  Stay tuned!

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Apr 21

April 21, 2014

SBAC Practice

We’ve been working a lot on practicing for the upcoming SBAC tests!  Our new computer lab is open for business, and it’s a wonderful environment for working on a variety of activities, despite the fact that most (but not all) of our work there has been SBAC-related.  Because this is a pilot test year, please remember that neither families nor schools will receive score reports for individual students.  Our goal this year has been to help students develop the skills to complete this computer-based testing, which kids have never had to do before.  When we’re in the computer lab practicing, our focus has been on technical skills like logging in with Session IDs, marking questions for review, and how to select answers, less on the academic skills being assessed on the tests.  (Of course, our IN-CLASS time is intensely focusing on these academic skills, since the skills being assessed on the rigorous SBAC tests are aligned with the Common Core, which guides our classroom work.)  My message to the kids has been one encouraging them to relax, not stress, and just to do the best they can.

Looking to practice for the SBAC tests?  Visit:

Need a video to walk you through the process?  Click here!  (I’m not sure if it will work on tablets.  You might need a computer running Flash to watch this video.)

As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about the SBAC tests or our preparation!

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Apr 18

April 18, 2014

Introduction to Timelines

We started learning about timelines in class on Monday. Because many students were out for an early start to their April vacation, I taught the lesson using Educreations so that kids who were out can catch up by rewatching the 20 minute lesson at their convenience.

Posted in Learning Resources, Social Studies|By

Apr 10

April 10, 2014

Welcome to our new online home!

Welcome to the new online home of Room 209! I appreciate everyone’s patience as I worked to get this new site up and running, and I hope it’s worth the effort. For the most part, you’ll find most of the same features as our old site had, although things are arranged differently. In addition to the new address and the new look and feel of the site (Thanks #15 for the inspiration!), there are some new features you might find useful:

  • Mobile optimization – MossTeaches has a responsive design, meaning that it will look as clear on a small phone as it will on a large desktop monitor!
  • Twitter feed – On the right sidebar of the main page of our class website, you’ll find a new Twitter feed for our classroom.  I find that most of my website posts cover larger topics.  My plan for the Twitter feed is to most mini-updates about what we’re doing at different times during the school day.  This is a pilot test, and I may or may not continue to offer this feature, depending on how things go.
  • Dear Humphrey – Think of it as a “Dear Abby” option for our classroom.  Kids are welcome to write to me (anonymously, if they choose) about challenges that they’re having in school that I can help with.  Often, one student is not alone in having a problem, and it’s something that be discussed during Morning Meeting.
  • Virtual Classroom – This is still very much a work-in-progress.  Eventually, this page will be a launchpad for many of our class eLearning activities.
  • Student News – As the name implies, students will have the opportunity to take on the role of reporter and blog about some of what we do in class.  Thanks, #13, for writing our first article!

Thanks to the feedback I received on the class website survey many of you completed for me, I have more planned for our new site in the coming weeks and months.  As you use the new website, please message me if you find any bugs or errors, or if you want to share feedback with me!  I hope you enjoy MossTeaches: the new online home for Room 209!

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